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baby clothes

Baby Clothes Pillows

December 4th, 2017

By Andrea Funk

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One of the coolest products we make here at Too cool is a baby cloths pillow. We take your child's bibs, onesies, hats and other baby paraphernalia and turn them into a pillow.

Two Types of Baby Clothes Pillows

There are two different types of baby cloths pillows - complex and simple.

Both types of baby cloths pillows have your clothing items on the front and back of the pillow and are fully quilted by an artist like our baby cloths quilts. 


Hat pillow front.jpegA pillow is complex when we take the intricate parts of your clothing and use it in your pillow. Things on a complex pillow will be interactive. Flaps will move, buttons will work and footies will still be visible. Because these things take extra work, complex pillows are more expensive just like a complex baby cloths quilt. 

There are a few different types of complex baby cloths pillows that we have done in the past that are very cool. The first is an all bib pillow using only your child's bibs. The second is all baby hat pillow that uses all their adorable little hats. We’ve even made a pillow using only socks. To read more about what we can use in a pillow click here.


Baby clothes PillowA pillow is a simple baby clothes pillows we take one or two small pieces of fabric from your child's clothing and turn the pieces into a pillow. In simple pillows we do not include necklines, footies or buttons. We can use up to 20 different clothing items depending on what is on the items you send.

Who is a baby clothes pillow for?


If you have more than one child you can include items from all your children in one pillow. This would make an awesome gift for mom on Mother's Day.


Baby cloths pillows are a great way to involve your kid’s grandparents in their lives. You and your children can pick out cloths that remind them of their grandparents or that were gifts to include in the pillow. This is a great way to share memories and tell stories of times your child may not remember

hat pillow back.jpeg


There are two time periods we have seen when parents have a baby cloths pillows made for their children. The first is after their first year of life; the second is when their child is all grown up with kids on the way. 


Do you still have your own baby cloths? Get them out of storage and make a pillow for yourself. They won’t be taking up as much space and you will have awesome memories.


Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.

How to Order a T-shirt Quilt


Choosing Your Items

There are a number of different things to think about when you're choosing items to include in your baby cloths pillow.

  1. Color - As you are sorting your items don't forget study them all together to make sure that there isn’t one item that draws too much attention. For example: All your shirts are pink except for one neon green cameo. If it sticks out too much you may consider pulling it from your pillow, however if it is a favorite we will work with you to balance the colors by using more of this shirt thought out the pillow.
  2. Clobridge_Pillow_FrontThe feeling on your face - These pillows are functional pillows and do you really want something super hard and scratchy on your face? We recommend avoiding scratchy lace and heavy plastic printing. The best way to test this is by feel; do you like how it feels on your face?
  3. Stains - Babies do gross things, and it shows on their shirts and clothing. Sorry, no baby is perfectly clean. Think about if you want to include the stains or would rather have us work to exclude them. This is personal preference; just let us know what you would like us to do.

To learn more about having a quilt made from your T-shirts, downloading our T-shirt Quilts Buyers Guide.
It's a great place to start your research into having a quilt made.

T-shirt Quilt Buying Guide

Preparing for Your Pillow

baby clothes pilllows.jpgBefore you send your baby items off to us to be made into a pillow there are a few things we appreciate you doing.

  1. Wash your clothing items. Please don’t wash it with fabric softener, dryer sheets or scented detergent. The scent makes us sneeze; you really don’t want our boogers on your pillow. If you don't have scent free detergent, just wash them in water without soap.
  2. “X” out anything you DON’T want used. Anything that is not “X”ed out is fair game.
  3. Stack the clothing in order of priority with the top marked, we will work from top to bottom until we run out of space. Anything unused will be returned.
  4. If you are having more than one pillow made, we recommend separate bags for the items so there is no chance of items ending up in the wrong pillow.
  5. Be sure to complete your order form with complex or simple instructions and send them off to us!

Our turn around time for a pillow is 4-6 weeks.

Caring for Your Pillow

Cut baby on T-shirt quilt copyYou’ve done all the work and have your very cool baby cloths pillow and it is awesome! Now how do you take care of it? We recommend not using it every day as a sleeping pillow. We’ve done a test using one as a bed pillow, washing it every week, and it lasted 6 years. We want your pillow to last a lifetime, thus we recommend using it more as a throw or decorative pillow.

To Clean:

  • Take out the pillow form.
  • Wash in cold water in a washing machine.
  • Dry in your dryer or hang dry.
  • Put the pillow form back in the pillow.

We hope you enjoy your pillow.

Read more about baby clothes quilts here. 

Complex baby quilt girl


Andrea Funk

Andrea Funk is the inventor of T-shirt quilts made with multiple blocks sizes. The modern method of making T-shirt quilts. In 1992 she founded Too Cool T-shirt Quilts. Her life has been immersed in T-shirt quilts ever since.